Studio Artemis
Studio Artemis
Sculpture - Ceramics - Pottery Wheels - Tuition - Art Therapy
Sculpture - Ceramics - Pottery Wheels - Tuition - Art Therapy
Enrolment Form Adult 2023
Class: ………………………. Day/Time: …………………………
Age Bracket 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 66+ (please circle)
Asthma / Allergies to Nuts/Dogs or Other? (circle) no yes epi pen
Further Details ...................................................................................... .
Home Address……………………………………………………………………………
Tel: Mobile…………………………
Emergency Contact Name……………………………
How did you hear about us? ……………………………………………………………
What are the areas you would like to explore during this course?
I wish to pay by: Cash Credit Card Visa MasterCard Direct Deposit
Amount: $..................... Paid in Full by Cash Direct Deposit
Credit Card Gift Voucher
Card Number .... …. …. …./…. …. …. …./…. …. …. …./…. …. …. ….
Expiry Date …. …./…. …. Cardholders Name………………………….
Cardholders Signature………………………...................Date………….
Office Use Only:
Receipt Number……………………………. Date…………………………….